These are the ones that I had to recolor. I spent quite a bit of time on these bad boys, and I think they turned out great! Let me know what you think.
More Mon Mag a Moi illustrations. The first one is in cover because it is for the cover. 1- Finding clues: gum, tire and dog tracks?! 2- Chased by insanely mean dogs. 3- Dallas Green finds clues as well.
Here's a few illustrations I'm working on for a short story published in Mon Mag a Moi. I toned them the same way I did for my samurai comic, but turns out they have to be colored! I'll add the colors during the week and repost these bad boys when they're done... stay tuned!
Here's a few panels from a comic series I've been working on for the last few weeks. I took out the speech bubbles because they are a little distracting. The blades on top of his machine are glowing because they're spanking new. Both the full comics will be featured in the magazine Tremplin.
I try to get a good life drawing session whenever I have the time. Sandy Hill as been great for it so far. None of the models have disappointed me so far, which is just swell.
July's theme for Sketchy Business was Mythology, I didn't have time to polish these, but the idea still gets across (I hope). I had quite a few other Myths that I wanted to interview. Big foot could of told us how he just isn't photogenic and really doesn't mean to take blurry pictures. A really chubby fairy could of told us about the social pressures of being a thin, graceful disney-esque fairy. I might still throw these on paper another day... But for now you have the Unicornboy, Faongirl and Mr Ogre.