Monday, August 10, 2009

More illustrations!

These are the ones that I had to recolor. I spent quite a bit of time on these bad boys, and I think they turned out great! Let me know what you think.


Meaghan Peer; said...

WOOHOO!! These look awesome!!

Trent Correy said...

composition is great!!!

Christopher Hodgey said...

TThe T rex is awesome!

Trent Correy said...

dude, those linetests are off the hook. I think i was reading on cartoonbrew that the first half hour of the movie had a sneak preview and critics/viewers went nuts for it. I'm pumped to see it now...hopefully a triumphent return to 2d!
go check out got some wicked little videos.

Mike said...

Hey dude! sweet blog you've got here! I love the style and energy in the t rex roaring at the dude!